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The videos on this page, you will soon discover, are quite old... much older than those on the subsequent pages. The videos on this page are also, every one, silent. There is no discussion here on the philosophy or tactical considerations of fencing. These should, as a group, illustrate how much, at the fundamental level, has remained unchanged in fencing over the decades and centuries.

The first video dates from the 1920s and is silent by default, in so much as cinematography with sound was not yet invented. Additionally, the text cards are in French... small wonder as this is a French film employing the great Lucien Gaudin and Roger Ducret, both French fencing champions of their day. The second film dates from the 1930s and its title cards are in English. They represent the teaching of the great American Maestro, Julio Castillo. The final three are from the 1950s, taught by Girorgio Santelli, who as a young man fought a duel on behalf of his father's honor (stemming from a dispute at the Olympics) and who later came to America to coach our Olympic fencing teams.

If these videos provoke questions in your mind, please bring them to my attention at our next meeting!

If you are interested in watching other vintage and period videos of fencing from decades past, visit my YouTube channel, D'Artagnan's Retreat.

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