​The Alvin Fencers Club
We offer classes on Wednesday evenings at the Alvin Recreation Center (the former YMCA).
All classes are under the auspices of the City of Alvin Parks & Recreation Department. We offer classes in foil, epee and sabre, rotating in monthly sessions. The fee for each session is $40.00 per month.
CADET FENCING This is the basic fencing class, suitable for (and usually containing a mix of) youths, teens and adults. No prior experience required. Loaner equipment is provided. Each class consisted of basic footwork drills and blade work practice. Usually at least the final class of the month will consist of fencing using the same electric/electronic equipment used at tournaments. Until one feels ready to go out and compete, this is a good class to focus on.
COMPETITIVE FENCING These are actually practice sessions for our fencers who compete on a fairly regular basis. Fencers are expect to own most or all of their own equipment. Some loaner equipment is available, mirroring what is being taught in the Cadet class. Otherwise, competitors are free to practice whatever weapon they brought to class.