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8 March: Footwork Basics; Coup Droit (Simple Direct Attack); Lateral Parries (Quarte & Sixte)
15 March: Spring Break (No Class)
22 March: Lunge & Advance Lunge; Parry Quinte; Lunge Riposte.
29 March: Reprise & Re-Attack; Dégagé (Disengage); 
Introductory Class
5 April: Balestra; Battement (Beat Attack); 
Intermediate Class
8 March: Foil - Advance lunge attack; Counter-Parry/Counter-Riposte
15 March: Spring Break (No Class)
22 March: Foil - Dégagé and the 1-2
29 March: Epee - Stop hit; Semi-Circular Parry
5 April: Epee - Pris de fer
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